Tuesday 19 September 2017


We have been here from Monday 11th September, we will be leaving tomorrow. Gouda is most famous for the well known cheese they produce and export, the town is also known for it's treacle waffles.

Sint-Janskerk - Is the longest church in the Netherland 123 metres and has 72 stain glass windows, mainly made in the 16th century. They depict Biblical and historical events in comic strip form. During the war the people in town removed the windows and hid them in the sand.  

Town Hall, in the middle on the town square, for the next week there is a fare in town and the only place to go is around Town Hall.

Mechanical puppets on the outside wall on the Town Hall
Dinner out with Sue and Rob, we meet them last year.

Next group of photos are from the museum garden which was an Orphanage from1642. Now you can get coffee and cake, high tea, lunch and wine.