Thursday 12 September 2019

Year 1 in the Med

It's been a big year. When we arrived in Italy in mid April and then made our way up to Monfalcone we had a boat that we had only spent less than 1 hour aboard. And that was on dry land and 2 metres in the air.

Now, we have:
registered the boat in Australia
a place to call home for 4 months a year
pillows, sheets, towels, etc
cutlery and crockery
all sorts of cooking utensils
worked out how the satellite tv works and bought a new tv
modified the dining table so it works for us and is easily modified for when guests arrive
We've had guests stay
We've worked out how to drive and park this sucker on diesel and electric without hitting anything
We've also worked out how most of the electronics stuff works and fixed a couple of boating and mechanical issues

Belinda has a done a bunch of work remotely and Martin has done nothing.
We've learnt about the Italian canals and marinas and spent a month in Venice like a local. It's a much nicer place when you are a local.
Spent a month in a marina / camping ground in Italy and decided that was pretty good. (Met some lovely poms while we there and will probably catch up with them next year)
Been to Slovenia and spent time in each of their 4 ports. (And decided we quite like the place)
Made a plan to go round the bottom of Italy and then changed it
Made a plan to move the boat via truck to Germany next year and then decided that maybe we'll give the Med a bit longer
Had a day trip to Croatia in a hire car and decided that we really want to spend more time there next year.

I'm now in the process of learning the wintering process while we're doing the cleaning.

On Monday, Sun Chi gets hauled out and we stay the night in a local hotel. Tuesday we fly to Rome and then on to Seoul in the evening. A couple of nights there to help us with the jet lag and by Saturday the 21st we'll be back in Canberra. Monday the 23rd and we're both back at work.

Oh yeah, by mid December we should be in the new apartment in Woden.

Pretty much, if it's in the red zone we've been there.