Tuesday 30 April 2019

Sun Chi

So we did that. By that I mean on our way out of Netherlands last year we sold Ardella. We had already seen Sun Chi and knew that that was the boat for us if it was still available when we had sold and so by about mid to late October after we had got home to Australia we settled on Sun Chi.

Then came the long wait while we were working in Australia knowing that this new toy was on the other side of the world that we couldn't play with.

Anyway, cutting the long story short we arrived back in Rome on Tuesday the 16th April. We picked up a hire car and stayed the night about 15 minutes away from the airport. Next day on the Wednesday we drove up to Gorizia, had dinner and went to bed early.

On the Thursday we met Grega at the marina to see how he was going with the maintenance work before we were scheduled to go back in the water on the Friday. There wasn't a lot that we could do so we went off to Ikea to pick up a bunch of things that we knew we would need and then again went back to the hotel for another early night.

Friday we where scheduled to go back in the water at midday and we running about 15 minutes behind schedule. When we got back in the water Grega went down into the bilge to check that there was no leaks and unfortunately there was! One of the 'thru-hull' fittings had a flaw in the casting and a therefore a tiny leak. This meant pull it (the boat) back out again and another couple of hours on dry land while he pulled the fitting out and replaced it and let the sealant cure again.  By 4.30pm we were in the water and no leaks.